2. Into what kingdom would each of the following be classified:
a) unicellular prokaryotes that live in dust ________________________________
b) unicellular eukaryotes that live in pond water _____________________________
c) multicellular eukaryotes that live all over the planet and consume food ___________________________
d) unicellular prokaryotes that live in volcanic ash and other inhospitable environments _____________________
e) multicullular eukaryotes that have cell walls and are heterotrophic ______________________________
f) multicullular eukaryotes that have cell walls and are autotrophic ______________________________
Scientific Name. Common Name
Panthera onca . Jaguar
Panthera pardus..Leopard
Felis lybica. African Wild Cat
Panthera leo . Lion
Felis catus . House cat
Canis lupus. Wolf
Panthera tigris..Tiger
3. Organisms that below to the same class, must belong to the same : (check)
____ Order _____Phylum ____Kingdom ___ Family
4. Fill in the blanks:
Kingdom --> ______________ --> Class --> _______________
--> _________________ --> Genus --> _______________
5. In each pair, circle the one that you would expect to find the most individual species:
Kingdom & Genus
Phylum & Kingdom
Class & Family
Order & Phylum
Genus & Order
Phylum & Class
Order & Class
Genus & Species
6. Based on the chart, which two animals are most closely related to the tiger:_________________________________
7. Would you expect an animal with the name Rania onca to look similar to a mountain lion? ____
Why or why not? _______________________________________________
8. Which animal is most closely related to the house cat? __________
Interpreting Graphics – uses a map to show groups of animals and how they are related; such as canines, felines, and foxes.
Exploring Phylogenetic Trees with Wolves – compare dogs, wolves, and coyotes and analyze a phylogenetic tree of canids
Practice with Taxonomy and Classification: reinforcement activity, focuses on kingdoms and scientific names
Bear Species and DNA – activity from Learn.Genetics explores relationships between different types of bears
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