Online Provider Center
Keep track of health plan information the easy way – online. OPC (formerly known as @YourService) brings health insurance information together in one place. Use this convenient service to:
- Search for a member by name, member number, Medicaid ID (state issued) or social security number.
- View member eligibility and benefits (health plan type, deductible/accumulators, cost share, health plan ID cards, claims, prior authorizations, referrals and case management).
- Manage and check the status of a claim, referral or prior authorization.
- Submit a referral or prior authorization request.
- View and print explanation of payments.
- Keep up to date on the latest news from HPN.
Let’s get started.
- In the upper right corner of your screen, select HELLO, SIGN IN. First-time users* will need to select CREATE AN ACCOUNT.
- From the OPC homepage, enter your username and password. (We suggest you bookmark this site for future use.)
- Once you sign in, you’ll see the new dashboard. If you need help navigating the site, view our online tutorial.
Who is eligible for an OPC account?
Each practice should designate an account administrator. Account administrators are responsible for making sure every employee (individual account holder) has a separate username and password, and signs the Terms of Usage Acknowledgement form. The administrator also keeps the forms on file and sends them to HPN upon request.
For the best experience, use Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge as your browser. If you have any questions, please contact your provider advocate or call 702-242-7088 or 1-800-745-7065.
*Users must be HPN contracted providers to have access to OPC. Requests from non-contracted providers, billing services or management companies will be denied.