NYS Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)

The Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is authorized by statute to serve as the central repository of crime and arrest information for New York State. DCJS oversees the UCR Program for the State and reports crime and arrest data to the FBI. New York State law enforcement agencies submit monthly crime reports to DCJS. These crime reports are reviewed by DCJS personnel for completeness and accuracy before being added to the statewide database and submitted to the FBI. DCJS also prepares special statistical reports which are disseminated to the law enforcement community and made available to the public on the DCJS website Statistics page.

To facilitate reporting, DCJS has created Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet versions of each of the UCR monthly forms for use by agencies whose records management systems do not generate UCR information. These forms can be downloaded by simply clicking on the Excel links from the list below. This format gives law enforcement agencies the option to save their monthly UCR reports on their own computers, as well as send reports electronically to DCJS as email attachments. Instructions for filling out the forms have been included as well.

If your agency computer does not have Excel, you may print the PDF versions of the forms and instructions, provided below, using Adobe Acrobat Reader. You may also request copies of the paper forms and instructions via email (infonysucr@dcjs.ny.gov) or by calling 518-457-5837 or 1-800-262-3257.

Please note: Some forms have multiple pages. To ensure that all pages are printed when using the Excel forms, do not use the Print icon. Instead use File, Print to open the print dialog window. Select “Entire workbook” from the Print What option.

UCR Monthly Forms and Instructions

IJPortal UCR Submission Interface

The UCR Submission Interface, which is hosted on the Integrated Justice Portal (IJPortal), enables
summary reporting agencies to submit the following monthly crime reports directly to the state’s crime
reporting database:

*Both UCR Summary and Incident Based Reporting (IBR) agencies can use the UCR Submission
Interface to submit these three reports.

New York State UCR Data Entry Interface User Guide - This document provides instruction on completing and submitting summary Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) to the New York State Crime Reporting program via the Integrated Justice Portal (IJPortal) interface.

UCR Tally Sheets

Some police departments find it helpful to use UCR Tally Sheets to prepare crime data for monthly UCR reports. These sheets are for internal use only. Please do not send completed tally sheets to DCJS.

Tally Sheets are formatted for legal-size paper. Unless you specify to your printer that legal-size paper is to be used, most printers will shrink the content of each Tally Sheet to fit on letter-size paper. This will reduce the text on the Tally Sheets enough to make them difficult or impossible to use. Older printers may not be able to print full-size images. For assistance call or email DCJS as shown below.

If you have questions about using the forms (either paper or electronic versions), send an email (infonysucr@dcjs.ny.gov) or call 518-457-5837 or 1-800-262-3257.