Presentation on theme: "THE INSECT HEAD AND ITS APPENDAGES"— Presentation transcript:


2 A good web site for insect anatomy

3 Head Capsule Neck Mouthparts

5 Insect Head Occiput Compound Eyes Ocelli Frons Gena Clypeus Mandible
Labrum 1st Maxilla Labium (2nd Maxilla)

6 ? ? Insect Heads 3 basic types Prognathous Hypognathous

7 Insect Heads Evolution of Prognathy 1. Hypostomal Bridge 2. Postgenal Bridge 3. Gula

9 Insect Mouthparts Labrum Mandible Hypopharynx 1st Maxilla Labium (2nd maxilla)

10 Insect Mouthparts Labrum -”upper lip” - contains chemosensory sensilla

11 Insect Mouthparts Mandible Molar surface Incisor surface

12 Insect Mouthparts Mandible - in a grasshopper -a dicondylic joint -emphasize strength over mobility

13 Insect Mouthparts 1st Maxilla Cardo Stipes Palp Lacinia Galea

14 Insect Mouthparts Labium (2nd Maxilla) can be fused to form a Ligula
Submentum Mentum Prementum Glossa Palp Paraglossa can be fused to form a Ligula

15 Comparison of 1st and 2nd Maxillae
Cardo Stipes Submentum Mentum Palp Lacinia Prementum Glossa Palp Paraglossa Galea

16 Hypopharynx Labium Salivarium Hypopharynx Cibarium Cibarium

18 Modifications of Mouthparts
-Piercing and Sucking Front Mandibles Maxillae Channel for food Back Channel for saliva

19 Modifications of Mouthparts
Cutting and Sponging Labrum Mandibles Hypopharynx Labellum Maxillae e. g. deerflies

20 Modifications of Mouthparts
Sponging e.g. housefly

21 Modifications of Mouthparts
Siphoning e.g. butterfly

22 Modifications of Mouthparts
Stabbing e.g. Mosquito

23 Head Capsule Neck Mouthparts

24 Tentorium - internal support for the head capsule Posterior arms Anterior arms Dorsal arms Cut away view of the head capsule

25 Tentorium - internal support for the head capsule

26 Insect Antenna Antennal sclerite Antennal socket Pedicel Flagellum Antennifer Antennal suture Scape

27 Insect Antennae Monoliform Aristate Pectinate Capitate Plumose Clavate
Serrate Filiform Geniculate

28 Insect Antennae Monoliform Aristate Capitate Pectinate Clavate Plumose
Filiform Serrate Geniculate