In an acupuncture treatment I will use additional tools along with my traditional acupuncture needles, incorporating Acupressure, Cupping or GuaSha into an acupuncture treatment when necessary. If cupping has been helpful to a patient’s condition, I will often recommend for them to do this treatment at home, individually or with a partner. Providing my patients with education and resources for at home therapy and offering guidance for proper procedure will produce optimal results with little to no adverse effects. Cupping therapy can be performed at home with little training, yet one should educate themselves on the benefits, the conditions that can be treated, the contraindications to treatment & the procedure itself.
Cupping is an ancient manual technique using suction or negative pressure, rather than the traditional tissue compression used with a regular massage technique. The suction stretches the tissues up from the underlying structures therefore releasing muscle tension, loosening areas of adhesion or restriction. This creates an expansion of the tissues-increasing blood flow, promoting better functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands, flushing capillary beds, dispelling stagnation/congestion, draining stagnant blood, toxins and lymph, and re-supplying vital nutrients.
Cupping is a valuable form of treatment to detoxify the body, stimulate the lymphatic and nervous systems, and promote healing of the tissues, organs & structures. The suction created by cupping pulls stagnant fluids to the surface, removes toxic pathogens and promotes fresh oxygenated, nutrient rich blood & lymph.
Cupping is contraindicated in cases of severe diseases, i.e. cardiac failure, renal failure, ascites due to hepato-cirrhosis and severe edema, as well as hemorrhagic diseases such as allergic purpura, hemophilia and leukemia, and clients with dermatosis, destruction of skin, or allergic dermatitis.
Cupping should not be applied on the portion where hernia exists or has occurred in the past.
Cupping should not be applied over broken bones, dislocations, hernias, slipped discs, organ failure, and is not appropriate for those undergoing cancer therapy.
Cupping should not be performed on affected areas during the acute stages of Psoriasis, Eczema or Rosacea.
Cupping should not be applied on effected areas during outbreaks of Urticaria (Hives), Herpes or Shingles.
Cupping is contraindicated for those with liver or kidney functional illness, Cardiopathy, 3D Varicosities or over recent surgical incisions.
Cupping should not be performed on those with a high fever, convulsions or easy bleeding.
Cupping is contraindicated during pregnancy on the low back and abdominal areas.
1) It is recommended to apply a small amount of lubricating salve or oil to the skin to avoid discomfort. Medicated oils or salves can also help open up the tissues and move the stagnant blood/fluids.
2) Suction is applied to the tissue of the receiver using plastic cups with a manual hand pump to control the amount of suction.
3) Place the cups over fleshy areas of increased tension & pain. The cups can be placed over bony structures such as the spine, ribs, shoulder or scapula with caution.
4) Squeeze the hand pump between 2 to 7 times and when performing on a partner always check in with the receiver to get feedback on their comfort level with the location and amount of suction.
5) Static Cupping: The cups can be left stationary/static for 5 to 15 minutes.
6) Moving Cupping: If not too uncomfortable for the receiver, the cups can be moved over an area for 5 to 20 minutes. Pull the cup back and forth to facilitate a moving or gliding cupping massage. When performing moving cupping, remember to use your other hand to anchor the tissue as you move the cup away from that anchored skin. Do not do moving cupping over body structures such as the spine.
7) When finished release the suction by pulling on the outlet at the top of the plastic cup or press down on the tissue at the rim of the cup, allowing air to leak into the cup and release the suction.
8) It is advisable to perform a light massage of the cupped tissue to move the fluids and energy through the area.
9) Keep the cupping marks covered, warm and avoid exposing them to sun, wind or cold.
10) Clean the cups with soap & warm water, then disinfect with 10% bleach solution.